Work-in-Progress: Lessons Learned from Using Exergame, 3D Avatar-Based Feedback for Yoga-Self Training in a Preparatory Study


As indoor self-training in sports has grown in popularity, yoga has become one of the most popular in-home exercise methods. However, yoga practitioners progress slowly or risk injury without qualified supervision. To address this issue, we propose a low-cost, camera-based exergame, 3D avatar-based feedback system for yoga self-practice. To assess our system, we performed a pilot study with eleven yoga students whose self-training was subsequently assessed by six professional yoga teachers. The results of this study hint that such an exergame-based approach has the potential to support yoga self-practice efficiently.


  author={Anjani, Eugenia Clarissa and Tombling, James and Eger, Vera Maria and Tadeja, Sławomir and Bohné, Thomas},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)}, 
  title={Work-in-Progress: Lessons Learned from Using Exergame, 3D Avatar-Based Feedback for Yoga-Self Training in a Preparatory Study}, 
  keywords={Training;Visualization;Three-dimensional displays;Tracking;User interfaces;Market research;Usability;Human-centered computing—Visualization—Visualization design and evaluation methods},

APA Reference

E. C. Anjani, J. Tombling, V. M. Eger, S. Tadeja and T. Bohné, “Work-in-Progress: Lessons Learned from Using Exergame, 3D Avatar-Based Feedback for Yoga-Self Training in a Preparatory Study,” 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Orlando, FL, USA, 2024, pp. 300-304, doi: 10.1109/VRW62533.2024.00060.

Cyber-human Lab Contributors

James Tombling

James is currently studying his master’s degree in robotics and autonomous systems at the university of Lincoln, taking part in the AgriFoRwArdS programme involving the...

Dr Sławomir Tadeja

Slawomir K. Tadeja is a postdoctoral research associate in the Cyber-Human Lab belonging to the Institute of Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge. Previously,...

Dr Thomas Bohné

Thomas Bohné is the founder and head of the Cyber-Human Lab at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering. He is also leading research...