Towards Augmented Reality Guiding Systems: An Engineering Design of an Immersive System for Complex 3D Printing Repair Process


Over the past decade, additive manufacturing (AM) has become widely adopted for both prototyping and, more recently, end-use products. In particular, fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most widespread form of additive manufacturing due to its low cost, ease of use, and versatility. While additive processes are relatively automated, many steps in their operation and repair require trained human operators. Finding such operators can be difficult, as highlighted during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Augmented reality (AR) systems could significantly help address this challenge by automating the training for 3D printer operators. Given multidimensional design choices, however, a research gap exists in the system requirements for such immersive guidance. To address this need, we explore the applicability of AR to guide users through a repair process. In that context, we report on the system design as well as the results of the AR system assessment in a qualitative study with experts.


  author={Bozzi, Luca O. Solari and Samson, Kerr D. G. and Tadeja, Sławomir and Pattinson, Sebastian and Bohné, Thomas},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)}, 
  title={Towards Augmented Reality Guiding Systems: An Engineering Design of an Immersive System for Complex 3D Printing Repair Process}, 
APA Reference

L. O. S. Bozzi, K. D. G. Samson, S. Tadeja, S. Pattinson and T. Bohné, “Towards Augmented Reality Guiding Systems: An Engineering Design of an Immersive System for Complex 3D Printing Repair Process,” 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Shanghai, China, 2023, pp. 384-389, doi: 10.1109/VRW58643.2023.00084.

Cyber-human Lab Contributors

Dr Sławomir Tadeja

Slawomir K. Tadeja is a postdoctoral research associate in the Cyber-Human Lab belonging to the Institute of Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge. Previously,...

Dr Thomas Bohné

Thomas Bohné is the founder and head of the Cyber-Human Lab at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering. He is also leading research...