A paper accepted to IEEE iEDGE 2023

A regular paper co-authored by CHL’s Dr Slawomir Tadeja accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Edge Computing and Communications (iEDGE):


  • M. Łysakowski, K. Żywanowski, A. Banaszczyk, M.R. Nowicki, P. Skrzypczyński and S.K. Tadeja: Real-Time Onboard Object Detection for Augmented Reality: Enhancing Head-Mounted Display with YOLOv8

The paper details a complete pipeline needed for deploying the state-of-the-art YOLOv8 object detection capabilities from within the Microsoft HoloLens 2 edge computing platform.


The iEDGE Symposium schedule can be found here: https://conferences.computer.org/edge/2023/symposium/