August 2024

A paper and a poster accepted at the inaugural 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Metaverse (ISEMV)

We are pleased to announce that a paper co-authored by CHL members Dr S.K. Tadeja and Dr T. Bohné was accepted for presentation at the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Metaverse (ISEMV) collocated with the IEEE ISMAR 2024 conference: S.K. Tadeja, A. Filipowski, M. Frankowski, M. Igras-Cybulska, T. Bohné, P.O. Kristensson, Utilising FAST Design […]

A paper and a poster accepted at the inaugural 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Metaverse (ISEMV) Read More »

Three workshop papers accepted at IEEE ISMAR-Adjunct 2024!

Three workshop papers co-authored by Dr Thomas Bohne and Dr Slawomir Tadeja, as well as former visiting student Alex Albers (currently PhD student at ETH), have been accepted for publication at IEEE ISMAR-Adjunct. Please find more details below. The MASK! Mobile Analytics from Situated Knowledge,​ Friday, October 25, 2024 K. Moskała, M. Frankowski, M. Igras-Cybulska,

Three workshop papers accepted at IEEE ISMAR-Adjunct 2024! Read More »

A new journal article at MTAP

Based on sixteen domain expert interviews, we developed a tool to help prepare customised deployment strategies for AR-based assistance systems utilising manual assembly as the main example. Please find this article open access at this link: Bock, L., Bohné, T. & Tadeja, S.K. Decision support for augmented reality-based assistance systems deployment in industrial settings. Multimed Tools

A new journal article at MTAP Read More »