Views from the Front Line: Workers’ Insights on How to Introduce New Technology


Manufacturers face diverse and demanding challenges. These include the need to fulfil the demand for more customized products, to overcome skills gaps, and to respond to demographic trends such as ageing workers. In this context, companies are increasingly introducing advanced technologies, such as extended-reality headsets, exoskeletons and cobots to support their employees.

As the process of augmentation accelerates, and the need for effective human-machine interaction becomes more critical, businesses face the urgent need to identify and adopt reliable strategies that enable them to introduce new technologies successfully.

Research to date has responded to this challenge mainly by developing adoption frameworks that primarily take into account the management perspective. Though obviously helpful, these strategies are, by themselves, incomplete – and need to be supplemented by the perspectives of workers on the shop floor, who are the end users of these technologies.


  author       = "Horn, J., Bohné, T., Basso, M. and Zanolla, F",
  title        = "Views from the Front Line: Workers’ Insights on How to Introduce New Technology",
  howpublished = "online",
  publisher = "World Economic Forum (WEF)",
  month        = "Jan",
  year         = "2024",
APA Reference

Horn, J., Bohné, T., Basso, M. and Zanolla, F., Views from the Front Line: Workers’ Insights on How to Introduce New Technology, World Economic Forum, January 2024:

Cyber-human Lab Contributors

Jessica Horn

Jessica holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Mannheim in Germany as well as an MSc in Strategic Marketing from Imperial College London....

Dr Thomas Bohné

Thomas Bohné is the founder and head of the Cyber-Human Lab at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering. He is also leading research...